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  • WYCamp | WMCANZ

    WYCAMP 2025, took place at CYC, Ngāruawāhia from 16th - 19th January. Camp was an unforgettable experience filled with adventure's, unforgettable memories, and spiritual transformation. The theme for WyCamp this year was "The Way". - w hat does it mean to be a disciple of Christ? Or, in other words, what does it mean to follow in The Way of Jesus. There are many forces in the world vying to shape us, to form us into something. At WYCAMP 2025 we want to confront the various influences in our lives, look deep inside and ask the question “Who is influencing us?” What is forming or shaping us?” “Who or what am I becoming?” …ultimately, what does it look like to be shaped, moulded, and formed into the image of Christ? Check out this video and some photos from WYCamp 2025! WATCH THIS SPACE FOR MORE INFORMATION ON WYCAMP 2026!

  • Wesleyan Methodist Church of Aotearoa-New Zealand (WMCANZ) | wesleyan church

    The Wesleyan Methodist Church of Aotearoa-New Zealand (WMCANZ) is a denominational movement which has grown out of a revival movement that has historically given itself one mission – the spreading of Scriptural holiness throughout the nation. Haere Mai, Welcome! FIND YOUR PLACE WITH US Are you free this Sunday? We are waiting to welcome you to one of our Churches. A place to call Home. Find a Church here Haere Mai, Welcome! Brett is the National Superintendent of the Wesleyan Methodist Church of Aotearoa-New Zealand (WMCANZ). Brett also serves as Senior Minister at East City Wesleyan Church in Botany, Auckland. Brett's wife Kristen serves alongside him as an Assistant Minister. Brett and Kristen have been involved in 5 Church Plants, 3 as participants and 2 as part of sending Churches. Brett is passionate about the multiplication of disciples, leaders and churches (then add in the church planting bit). As a convert to Christianity and a father, he longs for a church that is committed to both reaching people for Christ and ministering effectively to the next generation. OVERFLOW E-MAGAZINE Subscribe to our monthly e-magazine and keep up to date with news and celebrations from the wider Wesleyan Methodist Church of Aotearoa-New Zealand. It's free to join our mailing list! Read more

  • Leadership

    Our Team Rev. Brett Jones National Superintendent Read Bio Mail Rev. Stephenie Couch National Leadership Team Director of Next Generation Ministries Mrs Michelle Yates National Leadership Team Director of Global Missions Rev. Atu Lagi Assistant National Superintendent Read Bio Mail Rev. Melissa Powell National Leadership Team Director of Ministerial Formation Rev. Peter Benzie Director of Operations Read Bio Mail Rev. Jo Verkerk National Leadership Team Director of Discipleship & Training Rev. Mike Yates National Leadership Team Director of Multiplication National Council Rev. Rudyard Alejo, Rev. Denise Barrington, Rev. Peter Benzie, Miss Mele-Keiti Fonua, Rev. Brett Jones, Rev. Jone Kacivi, Rev. Atu Lagi, Mrs Alison Low, Ms. Samantha Tan-Rodrigo, Mr Kerrin Thomson National Superintendent Emeritus Rev. Edgar Hornblow, Rev. Dr Richard Waugh

  • Palmerston North

    PALMERSTON NORTH Email Stream Gathering Wesleyan Address: 1 Coventry Street Highbury Palmerston North 4412 Minister: Lay Pastor Waisea Jikowale Service Times: Sunday 10am Language: Fijian

  • Canterbury

    Canterbury Find your place at our Church in Canterbury. Choose a Location CHRISTCHURCH

  • Waikato

    Waikato Find your place at our Church in Waikato. Choose a Location HAMILTON

  • Events

    Upcoming Events ConneXion 2024 (inc. National Conference) ConneXion is the annual gathering of WMCANZ. Join us for worship, celebration, equipping for missional fruitfulness and collective missional discernment. When: Friday 8th - Saturday 9th November 2024 Theme: COMISSIONED - BEING & MAKING DISCIPLES Hosted By: Tongan Forum Where: East City Wesleyan, 219 Burswood Drive, Burswood, Auckland 2013 Cost: Free Registrations: Open Click here to register Read more here WYCAMP - Save the Date! WYCamp is the national youth camp for WMCANZ. When: Thursday 16th - Sunday 19th January 2025 Where: CYC Ngaruawahia, Waikato Cost: tbc Registrations: open late 2024. Read more here

  • Location

    Our Locations Are you free this Sunday? We are waiting and ready to welcome you and your family to one of our 27 Churches across New Zealand. Come and find your place with us. Services are held in English, Fijian, Rotuman and Tongan with several of our Churches using multiple languages in their worship. Scroll down to find the location of our Churches. North Island Auckland Waikato Bay of Plenty Hawkes Bay East Coast Manawatu Whanganui South Island Canterbury

  • Resource Library

    These resources are intended for our Ministers, Pastors and Lay Leaders as they love and serve thsir congregation and communities. Resource Library Welcome to our WMCANZ Resource library. These resources are intended for our Ministers, Pastors and Lay Leaders as they love and serve their congregation and communities. Church Guidelines & Policies Church Health & Safety Resources Church Planting ConneXion Clergy (Minister) Care Discipleship & Training Evangelism Finance Global Missions Governance Healthy Church Pastoral Ministry Training Next Generation Police Vet Policy & Forms Publications Safe Church Service Wording Staff Strategic Planning Resources Theology and Public Engagement National Constitution English Language The National Constitution is a unifying document that captures the vision of a united ethnically diverse church standing in the Wesleyan stream, with a rich variety of expression, and a commitment to plant churches and make disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ. The National Constitution is available in English and Tongan. National Constitution Tongan Language Can't find the resource you are looking for? Email us at the National Resource Office

  • Mt Eden | WMCANZ

    MT EDEN Email Shiloh Wesleyan Church Address: Fickling Convention Centre Lynfield Room 546 Mt Albert Road Mt Albert Auckland 1043 Minister: Mr Semisi Kaufasi Service Time: Sundays 10am Language: Tongan

  • Who we are - about us

    Our Vision Transformed People, Churches, and Communities Overflowing with the Grace and Holiness of Jesus Christ. Our Mission Equipping & Empowering Leaders and Churches to: REACH people with Christ | GROW disciples in Christ | SERVE communities through Christ Wesleyans believe in one God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and the Saviour of all who put their faith in Him alone for eternal life. We believe that those who are made new in Christ are called to be holy in character and conduct, and can only live this way by being filled with the Lord's Spirit. We believe in the Bible and its sufficiency to establish our faith and conduct. We believe God wills for people everywhere to know Him and be made new in Christ. We believe that the purpose of the Church is to worship God in spirit and in truth, and to reach a lost and fallen world with the gospel of Jesus Christ through its worship, witness, and loving deeds. What We Believe Our Story The Wesleyan Methodist Church of Aotearoa-New Zealand (WMCANZ) has grown out of a revival movement that has historically given itself one mission – the spreading of Scriptural holiness throughout the nation. This message that ignited the Wesleyan revival in the 18th century in England was the announcement that God through Christ can forgive the sin which destroys us and release and reshape God's nature in us by His Holy Spirit. This new life brought about profound personal and social transformation. The Wesleyan Methodist Church shares the dynamic orthodox Christian faith together with certain distinctive emphases. It encourages people to move toward maturity in discipleship, described by John Wesley as "Scriptural Holiness". This includes an assurance and certainty of salvation and commitment to continuing personal and social transformation. We believe in the priesthood of all believers as stated in Scripture and recognises that God calls each person to tasks and gifts of ministry empowered by the Holy Spirit. The call of God upon some may lead the Church to set them aside for specific responsibilities. Some are called to the Ministry of Word, Sacraments and Pastoral Care and the Church recognises this by ordination and the laying-on of hands and prayer for the anointing and blessing of the Holy Spirit. Others are called to various ministries that the Church recognises appropriately. The Wesleyan Methodist Church of Aotearoa-New Zealand (WMCANZ) has grown out of a revival movement that has historically given itself one mission – the spreading of Scriptural holiness throughout the nation. The Wesleyan Methodist Church recognises the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion and encourages all partners to seek to worship together on the Lord's Day. We are a multi-ethnic Church family which delights in the variety of cultures and languages God has given us. When we gather together annually, we celebrate the vibrancy of our faith in Jesus Christ through varied cultural expression. We believe that multi-cultural New Zealand will only be effectively evangelised by a multi-cultural mission. We are a mission-minded movement which places local churches at the heart of mission in their contexts. Our movement is a “connexion” (a connection with the cross at the centre) encouraging one another to love God with all our heart, mind, soul & strength. Our network of local churches is joined together by common beliefs, shared vision and values, and accountable practices. Our national leaders are called to equip and empower local congregations for local, national and international mission.

  • Discipleship & Training

    Discipleship & Training ' Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of people' - Jesus COME - an invitation FOLLOW ME - a call to action AND I WILL MAKE YOU …....a promise of transformation The ‘end point’ of Jesus’ call to discipleship is an invitation to ongoing transformation. That said, we recognise that it’s a journey….one we’d love to walk with you! REGARDLESS of where you are on that journey, we’d love to partner with you as you take the next step. Our training and discipleship resources are designed to help you as you respond to the invitation to come….to follow….and to be transformed! Want to find out more about Discipleship and Training? Contact: Rev. Jo Verkerk - Director of Discipleship and Training Mail Wesleyan Discipleship App Servant Leaders Training Videos

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